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Chai Latte Honey Mousse - A Delectable Recipe To Enjoy Anytime!( December 16, 2023)

Several undeniable merits endorse a classic chai latte as an ideal drink toward the end of a hectic Monday first-half, or on a late rainy afternoon, or in any event, during the evening after wrapping up your work. It is one such honey pot that you can enjoy with your friends and family. But did you know how to turn chai latte into a sweet dessert? Geohoney brings you a wonderful recipe of Chai latte honey mousse so that you can enjoy the rich delicacy in the comfort of your home.

Required Ingredients – Pure Cream – 1 Cup (Thin) Loose Tea Leaves – ½ Cup Sidr honey – 200 Gm Vanilla Extract – 2 Tsp Thick Cream – 2 Cups Titanium-strength Gelatine Leaves – 2 No.

Directions – (1) Heat a saucepan on medium flame and put tea leaves, cream, honey, and vanilla extract. (2) Once the honey is dissolved completely, remove the saucepan from the flame and keep it aside for 30 minutes. Strain this mixture, put it into another saucepan, and heat on a low flame. (3) Remove excess water from the gelatin and mix it into the hot cream mixture. (4) Sieve the entire contents again and keep aside to cool completely. (5) Fold whipped cream through the chai mixture in 2 groups until well combined. (6) Transfer the mixture to 2 x 650ml dishes and use a wooden spoon to whirl the tops. (7) Refrigerate the mixture for 4-5 hours or until set. (8) Drizzle Sidr honey over it and present with biscotti alongside. The best thing about making this chai latte honey mousse is that you can make a big batch to last all week. You don’t need to go outside whenever you need a delicious latte, buy a jar of Sidr honey from Geohoney and make it yourself. Please keep visiting our website to learn more about such delectable recipes that you can easily make at your home.