Geohoney is a sister franchise under the B A Barry umbrella. The company was founded in 2017 by visionary entrepreneur Mr. Basem Barry in Dubai. Mr. Basem draws on over 25 years of experience across industries like
manufacturing, banking, and logistics. He has transformed his passion for manufacturing into a comprehensive honey & bee production company. Geohoney is known for its unwavering commitment to quality. We are an
environmental company with a focus on the welfare of bees & beekeepers worldwide.
Geohoney began as a challenging venture with many ups and downs. Our consistency enabled the company to flourish into a global enterprise. Now, we have become a global leader in honey production & environmental
perseveration. The success of the company is deeply rooted in its professional team with a passion for innovation.
Our ethos lies in the commitment to preserving the environment. It helps cultivate an ideal work environment and reinforces the strong foundation of the company. We believe in working for the planet to ensure
sustainability for future generations. Our efforts are highlighted by the green-tech innovations that we implement throughout our processes.
Geohoney remains grounded in its mission to deliver exceptional quality. We aspire to help beekeepers realize their potential through the use of green technologies. Our company cares about the planet and it shows in
our initiatives. You can learn more about the legacy of B A Barry and its ventures on our corporate website a