A Comprehensive Guide on Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is a natural mixture of pollen, bee secretions, nectar, honey, wax and enzymes which acts as a nutritional food source for the honey bees. It is also known as ambrosia or bee bread. This superfood has a nutrient rich profile that comprises simple sugars, minerals, vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, etc. It is harvested as a great food for human beings and has various benefits that are unproven.

Honey bee pollen contains nutrients, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, and protein. It is mainly the flower pollen that gets collected on the body and legs of the worker bees. As the flower pollen is gathered by the bees by visiting millions of plants, therefore, the contents of bee pollen also vary significantly. Bee pollen is totally different from bee venom, royal jelly and honey. It is commonly taken by the people for nutrition, as an appetite stimulant, to improve body stamina and athletic performance, and to prevent premature aging etc.

Honey bee pollen shows a great nourishing profile. It contains more than 250 naturally active substances, which mainly includes proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, minerals, nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants.

These pollen granules comprises of

  • Carbohydrates: 40%
  • Protein: 35%
  • Water: 4–10%
  • Fats: 5%

Different substances: 5–15% which includes nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and antibiotics.

How Does Bee Pollen Work?

Honey bee pollen may assist with stimulating the immune system when taken by mouth or advance injury mending when applied to the skin. Be that as it may, it's not very clear how honey bee pollen causes these impacts. A few studies say that the compounds in honey bee pollen behave like meds. However, these proteins are separated in the stomach, so it is improbable that taking honey bee pollen enzymes by mouth causes these impacts.

How Is Bee Pollen Used?

Honey bee pollen is accessible at numerous food stores. You may discover honey bee pollen in other regular dietary enhancements, just as in skin relaxing products used for child's diaper rash or dermatitis.

You may similarly hear suggestions for using bee pollen for alcoholism, asthma, sensitivities, wellbeing upkeep, or stomach issues, however there is no proof that it assists with these conditions. Before you take any regular item for a medical issue, check with your PCP.

Honey bee pollen is additionally prescribed by certain herbalists to upgrade athletic performance, lessen results of chemotherapy, and further develop hypersensitivities and asthma. Now, clinical exploration has not shown that honey bee pollen is viable for any of these wellbeing concerns.

Health Benefits
of Bee Pollen

  • Protection from Free Radicals & Chronic Diseases

    Bee pollen is stacked with a wide variety of antioxidants that mainly includes flavonoids, kaempferol, quercetin, carotenoids, and glutathione. Antioxidants present in this substance safeguard your body against conceivably destructive free radicals. Harm by free radicals is connected to chronic illnesses, for example, cancer and type-2 diabetes.

    Test-tube, animal and some human studies have shown that antioxidants present in honey bee pollen can diminish constant inflammation, kill unsafe bacteria, battle contaminations and combat the development and spread of tumors. However, the antioxidant content of bee pollen relies upon its plant source. Except if a plant source is explicitly expressed on the name, it very well may be hard to figure out where your honey bee dust came from.

  • Lowers The Risk of Heart Diseases

    Coronary illness is the main source of death around the world. Both high blood lipids and high blood cholesterol are connected to an expanded danger of heart disease. Honey bee pollen exceptionally brings down these risk factors.

    In an animal study, it was found that bee pollen extracts have the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels, particularly "bad" LDL cholesterol. In individuals with myopia caused by obstructed veins, honey bee pollen acts as a great supplement to bring down blood cholesterol levels, which expands their field of vision (7Trusted Source).

    Moreover, antioxidants in these pollen particles may shield lipids from oxidizing. At the point when lipids oxidize they can cluster together, confining veins and raising your risk of heart disease.

  • Boosts Liver Function

    Liver is a fundamental organ that separates and eliminates toxins from the blood. Animal studies have found that bee pollen has the ability to enhance its detoxifying capacities. In older animals, honey bee pollen boosts the liver’s antioxidant defense system and eliminates more byproducts, for example, malondialdehyde and urea, from the blood.

    Other animal studies show that honey bee pollen protects the liver against harm from a few poisonous substances, including drug overdoses. It also promotes liver healing too. However, there is still no human study done that evaluated bee pollen's impacts on liver capacity. More human investigations are expected to build up wellbeing suggestions.

  • Boosts Immune Strength

    Bee pollen assists in increasing the immune strength of the body, assisting with keeping away from diseases and undesirable responses. Research has shown that it might decrease the severity and beginning of allergies. In one study, bee pollen was displayed to fundamentally lessen the initiation of mast cells. These cells, when actuated, discharge synthetic compounds that trigger an unfavorably susceptible response. Similarly, a few test-tube studies have affirmed that bee pollen comes with solid antimicrobial properties that pose a good impact on the body.

    Bee pollen extract was found to eliminate microorganisms like Salmonella, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, E. coli, etc, that can cause bacterial illnesses.

  • Aids in Wound Healing & Prevent Infections

    Bee pollen is rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which may help your body in healing cuts and wounds. In one animal research it has been found that bee pollen extract was correspondingly viable at treating wounds as silver sulfadiazine, a standard treatment, and offers fewer side effects. Another study showed that applying a paste containing bee pollen onto a burn fundamentally speeds up the healing process over standard medicines. Pollen's antimicrobial properties may also forestall infections, a significant risk factor that can slow the healing process for burns, cuts, scrapes, etc.

  • Ease Menopausal Symptoms Like Hot Flashes

    Menopause, which denotes the discontinuance of menstruation in women, is frequently joined by uncomfortable effects like hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes and disturbance in sleep. Studies show that bee pollen is beneficial in easing menopausal side effects. In one study, 71% of women felt that their menopausal symptoms improved while taking bee pollen.

    In another examination, 65% of women taking a pollen supplement experienced less hot flashes. These women demonstrated other wellbeing improvements also, like better rest, decreased irritability, less joint pain and high energy.

    In addition, a three-month study showed that women taking bee pollen supplements experienced essentially less menopausal symptoms. What's more, these supplements helped lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and raise "good" HDL cholesterol.

  • Improves Nutrient Utilization, Metabolism and Longevity

    Some proof proposes bee pollen may work on your body's usage of supplements. In a study, iron-deficient rats ingested 66% more iron when pollen was added to their eating regimen. This uptick is reasonable because of the way that pollen contains nutrient C and bioflavonoids, which lift iron assimilation.

    Also, healthy rats took care of pollen ingested more calcium and phosphorus from their eating regimen. It contains great proteins and amino acids that may help such retention.

    Other animal studies have demonstrated that pollen may further assist in muscle development, accelerate digestion and advance lifespan. Although animal studies are promising, it's not much clear whether humans will experience similar advantages or not.

  • Ease to Add in Daily Diet

    Bee pollen comes in granule or supplement and is ok for most people to consume it. You can buy it at health stores or from your nearby beekeeper. The granules can be added to your eating regime easily by consuming it with breakfast or smoothies. Those who are allergic to bee products should always consume it by consulting with a health professional.

Evidence of Bee Pollen Effectiveness

Various research have suggested that bee pollen supplements when included in daily diet proved possibly ineffective to increase athletic performance.

Apart from this, there is insufficient evidence that bee pollen can offer relief in breast cancer related hot flashes or other symptoms.

Benefits of bee pollen are still not proved in various health conditions like

  • Premature aging process
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Hay fever
  • Appetite stimulation
  • Prostate
  • Diarrhea
  • Joint pain
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Colitis
  • Nose bleeding
  • Urine infection

How Does Bee Pollen Work?

Honey bee pollen is safe to consume for a great many people when taken by mouth for as long as 30 days. There is additionally some proof that taking two tablets twice a day of a particular quantity that contains 6 mg of royal jelly, 36 mg of bee pollen extracts, and 120 mg of pistil extract per tablet for as long as 2 months might be safe.

The greatest concerns are unfavorably susceptible responses. Honey bee pollen can cause genuine hypersensitive responses in individuals who are allergic to pollen.

There have additionally been uncommon reports of other genuine results, for example, liver and kidney damage or photosensitivity. However, it's not much known whether bee pollen or some other factor was really liable for these impacts. Similarly, instances of uneasiness have been accounted for by individuals who took honey bee pollen extract, imperial jam, and honey bee dust in addition to pistil extract.

  • Allergies

    Individuals who are hypersensitive to pollen should contact their allergist or specialist prior to using any bee product. An individual with a hypersensitivity to honey bees or honey bee stings ought to avoid consuming pollen products.

  • Contamination

    Bee pollen is a characteristic product, and there is the chance of defilement during collection by the insects, like form from deteriorating plants. This substance might actually pollute a bunch of honey bee pollen. Apart from this improper storage of bee pollen also causes it to break down.

  • Medicines

    Honey bee pollen and its mixtures may interact with certain medicines. An individual should look for clinical exhortation prior to adding pollen to their eating regime.

  • Pregnancy

    Pregnant or breastfeeding women might need to stay away from honey bee products or converse with their primary care physician prior to utilizing them.


Consumption of bee pollen with warfarin (Coumadin) can result in increasing the risk of bleeding and bruising.

What to Look For While Buying Bee Pollen?

As bee pollen is widely available for purchase online, it is good to buy it from a genuine store so as to gain maximum benefits. Supplements that contain bee pollen are also sold in numerous stores, drugstores, and stores specializing in providing dietary supplements.

Always select the products that are all-natural and come with no additives, have not been heated or dried, which can result in destroying its enzymes. For all those who are looking for the best quality bee pollen, head to the Geohoney website or order online through the app. Explore our vast collection of honey products and buy your favorite product at unbeatable prices today!

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